
Worship Schedule

Sunday Worship  – 9:30 a.m.

The service is also livestreamed on the church’s YouTube channel.

Permission to podcast/stream music in Church of the Dunes worship services is obtained from: 

CCLI Streaming License #20190874

What You'll Find in Worship

Often, worship themes, scripture readings, and sermons are guided by the “Revised Common Lectionary” — a list and calendar of scripture readings that are connected to the seasons of the Christian year. This resource is used by many Methodist churches and Christian churches of several denominations.  Occasionally, the pastor will depart from that schedule for a special sermon series.

Choirs, bell choir, small ensembles, and guest musicians add a variety of musical styles to services. Church of the Dunes uses both traditional hymns and worship and praise songs for worship.

Worship often includes visual arts — like sculptures created by church members in a group activity, beautiful banners created by sewing and fiber artists, and symbolic images. These items are used to add meaning to the worship experience. 

In Methodist and many other Christian churches, each season of the church year is represented by a color. These colors are incorporated into the front of the worship space, along with flowers and decorations to complement the message and meaning of each worship service. 

More Opportunities for Worship at Church of the Dunes

During Lent 

In the six-week season leading up to Easter, Church of the Dunes offers worship on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and of course, a worship celebration on Easter Sunday. 

Special Worship Occasion – All Saints Sunday

Church of the Dunes continues a longtime tradition of remembering loved ones on All Saints Sunday. 

Advent and Christmas

Sunday services in Advent, the season leading up to Christmas, are focused on a special theme, and include meaningful sermons, music, and symbolic decorations in the worship space.